

my weekend

While my weekend mostly
consisted of lots of homework
there was a little bit of...

delicious food

and drinks
(maybe not the only thing in my cup...)

 and fun times with friends
(yes I actually do have a few)

On a slightly more tragic note 
we also got to see the 9/11 
memorial at art hill in forest park.

It was a beautiful memorial. That being said I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. There was a flag for each person, but when you look at the sea of flags you don't see particular people.It gave me this urge to find out about each and every one of them.To know what they loved to do.Who they loved and who loved them.To know their story.But at the same time even if each person's story was told it would still just be one story of many. I think maybe that's the most tragic part of mass deaths, not the death itself, but the loss of individuality. Regardless, my thoughts go out to all the families. And I just hope they know that though I may not know the story of their loved one, I know that their loved one had a story to tell. 

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